Quote Originally Posted by WhoisKingsley View Post
Example... this guy could have EASILY been turned down. Those lists and people you call get the SAME calls all of the time! In no way am I saying to be a comedian over the phone- but you get it.

Absolutely agree with this; comedy is an incredibly useful tool, although you have to be careful to not come across as a "clown."

The way you get apps back is by building a strong rapport, exemplifying your professionalism, and weeding through any smokescreen objections (concerns they have not voiced).

"Bob, I appreciate this time we have spent on the phone together. I feel like I have gotten to know you personally and as a fellow professional. Maybe I can stop by for dinner or a drink sometime! Now, before I ask you to send back your application and statements, do you have anything that would possibly hold you back from accepting the loan we just spoke about?"

Works for me.