I hate when I land on a website, and I get a jabbed instantly with a popup asking me for my info...

My immediate reaction? "Can't I just read your site/article first?!"

Lots of websites do this, they make a popup open/appear as soon as someone lands on the site... worse is some even turn the whole page into a popover.

This is a negative because your visitor wants to consume your content, instead the instant popup will annoy them, they'll close it and you'll lose the opportunity to collect their contact info.

Furthermore, if you're trying to grow your SEO traffic this will hurt you because the person will leave quickly and influence your bounce rate. Which tells Google that your site offers little value.

So how do you get more of your visitors to give their contact info to your popup?

Set the popup to open after the person has read some of your content.... well, how long after do you ask?

I've been running traffic online for 20+ years and it seems that a 30 second delay yielded the best results. And if you wanted to add more to that you could also limit the popup to occur after a 30 to 60% scroll down the page also.

Any more than the 30-30-60 rule you'll start to lose people... of course test it out, but this is a great place to start.