Have a long time client who is a food wholesaler. Does 380-500k/mo.

Merchant has a 165k balance with On Deck that we facilitated a month ago.

He planned on taking a factoring facility through us instead of another advance which is why he didn’t take his max qualification in that funding, however given further thought, he is not comfortable with a factor calling to collect from each client, so he has decided to take a second position for the remainder of what he qualifies for.

He's weighing 2 different paths, he is looking towards a 200k offer at rate of 1.22 that pays 8 points commission with a payback of 60-90 days but he doesn't like the current offer because it has a 4% fee involved, he is looking for 1 for that term because he will be renewing every time he pays it off.

The other scenario he is weighing is a 200k funding that is a factor rate of 1.38, paying out 12 points with 2 point fee and 11 month payback. I am looking for someone to give a 12 month option on the same pricing.

I am looking for someone to come in and offer either situation.

My email is richard@PegasusFundingGroup.com and my mobile phone is 973-936-8428