Quote Originally Posted by Adam2326 View Post
We have had to negotiate a schedule out with James at SBL to get paid on a weekly basis to cover the Splash commission and Syndication money. There is still some back and forth at this point on how much is owed in total but for the most part James has been agreeable on the total dollar amount. The problem is just how long it will take to see the money come back at this point, while the clock continues to count forward we lose more and more money based on those dollars being missing. It is a bad situation that continues to get worse and worse as time goes on.
We were not trying to get paid twice from splash.
Whatever was going on with the account at the time, being frozen, and now closed, apparently contributed to some payment delays, or lack of the ability to reconcile payments by going online and seeing what exactly is what.

James and Adam have worked out payment, In my capacity I am still trying to get Adam paid out sooner.

Having your accounts frozen, I assure you is a pain in the ass. We were limping along for what was a 10 Day period where they allowed checks to process, and the in person transfers, that was temporary, as our main accounts are frozen completely. New accounts were opened, RTR is coming into the new accounts, commission is rerouted..... But when you have money flowing in to a bank that freezes multiple accounts, and then open a new account, and if you think the RTR is going to cover everything, its not. Commission went into the accounts that were frozen. We are using RTR and newly closed deals to pay out on old stuff that was affected by the bank issues.....

It is not a pretty situation. But as I've said.... Everyone will be paid. We are doing the best we can trying to keep everyone happy. I'm doing the best I can with the limited information i'm being given on the situation....Its just not a good situation.

Money is moving, albeit slowly, we are trying to spread what is coming in around to make everyone at least comfortable knowing we are not vanishing or running off.