529 years ago, Columbus sailed on a rickety, rat infested, and leaky ships, the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. Columbus did not have a GPS, radar or radio. His only clock was a sand hourglass. He did use a compass and sextant to guide his ships by the celestial objects.
In 1492, Columbus got his merchant cash advance from King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, who were desperate to find a route to the spice islands of the Indies. At that time, Portugal was the ruler of the seas and spice trade. Columbus left Palos, Spain and sailed for the Canaries and then sailed West for the indies. He estimated that Japan was about 5000 miles away. Not too far was China. Just a slight miscalculation. Columbus may have intentionally miscalculated to ensure he received his merchant cash advance. This was an era when many people believed the world was flat. Columbus believed it was round. Anyway, Spain would profit handsomely from his discovery. Columbus rests in the great Sevilla Cathedral.

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