“Cold calls are dead…”

That’s one statement I will absolutely never get behind.

You see these new “sales influencers” out there today trying to push the rhetoric that cold calls are too old school.

Instead of teaching sales reps valuable skills, they push tactics that are unsubstantiated and irrelevant.

In reality, cold calls are the backbone of selling. It’s the fastest and most effective way to get in front of your prospect.

Yes, there will be many times you will be hung up on or belittled, but after every “no”, there is always going to be that one “yes” that leads to a deal.

And that “yes” is what makes it all worth it.

Now, you shouldn’t rely ONLY on cold calling. I personally love the idea of mixing old and new media. We’ve got social media, influencer marketing, and all this other stuff, so utilize it!

You can’t and shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, am I right?

The best way to increase your sales is to test and measure what works best for your company.

So to those so called new age ‘sales influencers’, I challenge you to pick up the phone and start dialing….

Jordan Belfort