Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
#1 Tone? Read what you'd like into it, didn't mean any "tone". I'm glad you didn't compare me to Dave, that would have been devastating!
#2 Correct... I haven't heard anyone call him out for backdooring
#3 Fair enough question Ryan could answer. Just some guesses, but Ryan should be able to answer better: Could be he hasn't had a default yet? Could be that he's using a platform and syndicating some super-high percent? (I was once offered to fund a deal 100% on a funder's platform for a 7% fee.) Could be that he has about 30-40 files total and you haven't seen them. Something else?

the fact that you confused; Kevin Henry- VP Business Development Seacoast Business Funding for Dave? that shows me you have not been in this business long enough, Kevin Henry- VP Business Development Seacoast Business Funding is a legend in this business. He is known for cold calling 50 people and closing 48 deals with 2 of them being wrong numbers.

Also I doubt with how aggressive Broker Ryan claims he is he hasnt had a default, lets be realistic, with your logic, hes either not as aggressive as he says and has like 5 deals he funded or he is not funding at all and just brokering.