When are we going to hear the reasonable people come out and say that COVID is finished in NY/NJ area?

Lock downs didn't solve anything. Compare Sweden to Denmark. If we have had leadership in this country, we might have gone Sweden, but we have some who are blabbers who are fear-mongering and others who are trying to fight nature and win. France/Italy/Germany/England/UK, the story is finished if you measure based on the only thing that matters: excess death than is expected. But they had to go through a lock down, and they're continuing to imagine that a lock down could be a possibility in the winter.

In the USA, nobody takes anything seriously due to lack of leadership.

When this is over in the USA (which appears to be ... it's finishing up progressing around the states still), the question is will the people of the USA believe that it's safe again, or will COVID feel like the eternal death sentence due to social media's portrayal?

I wanted to add some hope to the boards here, maybe there are some people who will shower our success with trolling and endless depression (Scott?), but we will get over this faster IF people will follow data scientists and not news (or even doctors).