Rabbu Reuven should be excommunicated (put in cherem) for talking against so many good Jews, and against the only job that Jews could hold for generations (and did). This came about from a mixture due to the prohibition of Jews owning land in Europe and the Catholic church forbidding Christians from charging anyone with interest (also Muslims aren't allowed to borrow or pay interest, BTW, it's called REEBOO'AH).

But mainly this rabbi should castigated for speaking completely falsehoods about Jewish law. I have learned this topic myself, and with some help from a commentary I found on the channel as well as my own coloration, here's the TRUTH why the rabbi is WRONG and it is permitted to lend with interest:

The Babylonia Talmud (Gemara Bava Metsia 70b) states that it is permitted in the Torah to charge non-Jews interest (ribbis / ribbit) and there is only a rabbinic prohibition to do so. The reason the rabbis forbade it is that they didn’t want people to learn from the non-Jews by interacting with them too much. They only permitted it for a talmid chacham or someone who needs to make money to survive. This is codified by the Rambam and Rif. However, Tosfos 70b s.v. tashich writes that today we lend with interest to non-Jews for three reasons: 1) we follow the opinion in the gemarra that there’s no rabbinic prohibition to lend to non-Jews at all. 2) Due to the high taxes we have to charge non-Jews interest otherwise financially wouldn’t survive and it is considered necessary for our livelihood. 3) Really based on the reason of the prohibition it is prohibited to do any business with non-Jews and if we didn’t do that we wouldn’t survive, so therefore since we are intermingling already with non-Jews, then this prohibition no longer applies. Meiri b”m 70b agrees with reason two. Tur YD 159:1 cites the last reason of Tosfos. Shulchan Aruch and Rama Y.D. 159:1 simply writes that nowadays it is permitted to lend non-Jews with interest. The Shach quotes word for word Tosfos as the reasoning for the halacha. And while banks are very WASP-y still, private money lending today is a big Jewish industry, and anyone who speaks out against the custom to follow these opinions and tells them that they are going to Hell just for charging interest.... should be told to shut their big mouths and learn how to learn Jewish texts.

For those who are interested out there, on #3, even though this is by and large never the case, this is one of the main places discussed by the commentaries about certain laws can change if the reason behind the law drops away. (Mayim megulim is the other one.)

FYI to all those out there: Some cash advances (and even factoring) might not be considered a loan by US / state law, but in Jewish law it may be considered a loan.