Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
So I closed a very nice deal a week and change ago, very nice payout, wonderful. I split it with a broker who sent me the deal, wonderful.
This broker who sent me the deal was introduced to me by an ex-employee of mine. The ex-employee never had a written contract with me, and I told him that deals coming through this other pipeline, I would give 30% of my profits to him, I of course was assuming he'd work the deals.

Very soon after he introduced me, he ended up getting a job elsewhere, and in essence stopped working for me. I almost funded a deal with this other broker 6 months ago, and the other broker wanted to make sure that there were no "issues" with my employee, and I told him why I don't think there is anything owed, and, as a final nail in the coffin, I officially fired him. He really stopped working for me well over a year ago.

Now we funded this in a way that the employee might have a claim. So I wanted to hear from the CEOs here, from the employees here.....

This deal would never have happened had my ex-employee not introduced me to this other lead source.
Do I owe my ex-employee money?

(I'm posting this since we did not have a contract, so we're trying to figure out the industry standard for these things.)
Well you know I am not in the funding business so I can not speak to an "industry standard", but I have been in some form of business since middle school, when I would access BBS's and sell and swap various digital things..

Since you don't have a legal contract to help with any kind of guidance, I think this falls on what you as a person feel as if you think should do. One thing that stuck out to me that you said was "This deal would never have happened had my ex-employee not introduced me to this other lead source"... So that fact alone would then lead me to ponder if I should show some sort of "token" of my appreciation to the employee.

A few questions regarding this...

Will giving a "token of appreciation" put you, of your finances in a stressed position?

Would you care if this person showed up at your funeral and gave his honest account about how he made things happen for you, and how there was this 1 account that you left him hanging?

Does this person have any influence in the marketplace? Where as if he/she gave their honest account regarding this, it could possibly shade you in a negative way?

In what regard do you hold operating above board without reproach? Not only contractually but morally as well.

Me personally, I have always operated fair and just, even if no contract is involved.. Your reputation and perceptions of you precedes you right? So I hold that in very high regard. I personally have tabs on people owing me money going back all the way back to 1997. I still have my flip phone Motorola StarTac with the Clip-On Organizer from 1997, that's when I 1st started keeping digital records of my various dealings, lol... On the "flip" side of that, I personally can say that I don't know of one single person that can honestly say I owe them anything or have some sort of open Tab on me..