If you are a real estate investor seeking really great BUY opportunities at very appealing ROI, then I need to hear from you ASAP!

Right now, I have on the table:

- Need for 20% down payment for 7.5 million purchase of building that will easily appraise for $17 million. Borrower is offering 10% equity in their current company until they refinance as an exit strategy (which should literally take a few weeks to do altogether). Structure of the deal can be revised as needed for the deal to make sense.

- Need for $10 million for acquisition of $250 million worth of real estate (WITH OCCUPANCY) @ a major discount. Rehab project included in the $10 million. Borrower is offering 60% equity until the investor gets bought out at the agreed terms.

Again: Those are not examples. They are deals currently on the table. PM me now. Those of you who have my number & are serious, call me in the morning.