I would've stopped if you can just say midnight advance is a direct funder.

You replied with a bunch of garbage, instead of simply saying you're a direct funder.

I saw your credit pulls on a merchants experience and the darn address links to a grocery store, lol. your websites only been up since 2016. Did you make it at midnight?

You're a joke dude. A sad excuse of a broker looking to hustle deals without being real.

Quote Originally Posted by MidnightAdvance View Post
Johndough17 - look at what you're doing. Exposing a message that I sent you, where I'm saying "don't send me deals".. as if people are going to look up to you for posting this here.
Well when a funder tells an ISO "don't send me deals".. it pretty much reflects something very wrong with that ISO..

Wait, especially when you've been trying to "sneak in" your deals to us through other brokers.
If I'm not a direct funder why are you so desperately trying to send us your deals?
I understand you're upset, but you have only yourself to blame. (If not for that 50k default, I would probably still do business with you)