Quote Originally Posted by NoBigDeal View Post
Definitely true. It's not always cost that makes you a better product. You have to factor in the overall service. Take Verizon or Apple as examples. People WILL pay more for better service and quality of product
So True NoBigDeal!

I agree. I used to drive this 2008 Pontiac Grand Prix I loved that car it was cool! kind of looked like the Bat Mobile. it was all black etc etc However when I took the plunge to by my first Benz I was sold for life! I never want to go back.

Even though the maintenance is a bear. I love the feel and look even though both cars got me where I needed to go. I love the experience the Benz brings.

But I also understand! I wanted that Benz for years. I had a Benz taste with a Pontiac budget. LOL!!!

sometimes you have to do what you have to do.