Quote Originally Posted by SFC View Post
Yup fair enough, but obviously your OG answer doesnt match the platform because most people here are selling MCA.
Regardless of product you will always be more successful following a few guidelines rather than shot gunning the masses:

-Target a specific industry where you have knowledge/expertise.
-Understand the common needs of the target industry.
-Once getting the prospect on the phone, take the time to understand the business and their needs.
-Offer a solution to the need.
-Constantly stay in front of those whom you have reached out to with targeted marketing. Example: I cold called a staffing company over a year ago. I never got the owner on the phone. I followed up with emails. She was receiving and opening our marketing campaigns for months without a reply. She called me out of the blue one day because she had enough with her current factor. She told me she kept my contact details on a yellow sticky on the edge of her computer screen. Result: Closed a $4Mil factoring facility that offered better advance rates, a lot more cost effective, and some banking services her factor could not offer as they are not bank owned.