
industry: Towing and Tires
Ownership: Sole Proprietorship
State: AZ
Income: 60k / month (700k/yr)
TIB: 46 years
Asset: Real Estate / Commercial Mixed Use Buildings on 5 acres. Total of 4 buildings: Warehouse, Office, Storage, etc. (office in/works from 2nd Building), Balance: Free and Clear, Property Value: 300k (+/-)
Title: In his name, personally.
Credit: "Good"
Loan Amount: Req'd: 80k-100k
Loan Purpose: Rehab one of the buildings on the 5 acres of land. One of the buildings burned down in fire. Needs 80k+ for repair.

Looking for term or hard equity or commercial? The initial issue I saw was the deferred maintenance in the burned down structure on the property. (4 buildings, one is burned down) -- ? Anyone do this with a holdback for repairs or appraise as is without? Need quotes/estimates for repairs for holdbacks?