Just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for ALL the support I’ve received here at FUNDKITE. To answer many of your questions, we are a Full Spectrum Direct Funder...,meaning we go out from 1st position 1.25%-1.28% / 12mn… all-the-way up (or down subject to your point of view) to the High Risk deals in 4th position - which are all over the place and I’m very familiar with how to handle.
What lends to FUNDKITE’s differentiation is, our ability to Consolidate without added cost and converting worthy Merchant back to ACH pull of comfort - along with a few other hat-tricks, like ReUps at Full Commission, to which we offer up to 15pts ceiling…the math in that alone should sign you up!
This is the ISO Boarding link: https://fundkite.com/iso2.
My Cell: 917.364.0839
Ready when you are…