Maybe someone can help a friend of mine over here.

Does anyone have space for an incredibly gifted individual in the Baltimore area? I would describe him as a very outgoing and an astute student of humanity and life in general.

I have a genius friend looking for a job. He's never worked in real business before in his life, but he's, shall we say, really quick on the pick-up and very academic. I think the alternative funding field is a great place to get him work. Training would probably take around 1 week max to explain info needed and make him confident enough to sell, since he doesn't have sales experience. He's definitely capable, and probably will out-do any of your in-house reps within weeks of starting. He would read any book you throw at him in hours and know it better than you do even with your MBA. No joke.

He's divorced, his ex-wife lives in Israel with his 2 kids, and he really needs a proper living to support himself, get remarried, and just get his life back together. He's 34, currently lives in Baltimore, so I'd like to introduce him to the industry locally. He likes Baltimore, and I could see him eventually going into the industry on his own, but at least I'd like him to learn it first.

I would teach him myself and use him, but we're just too small, we're remote agents, and my workload is too heavy for me to focus on teaching him long-distance. He needs an office setting first. Even if the shop is commission-only or only an internship, as long as he learns, that's what I care about.

He's a really nice personality to be around, he's one of my dearest friends in the world, and I'd like to get him up on his two feet again.

Yes, he has no on-paper qualifications. However, he has no expectations, so minimum wage or commission-only would certainly speak to him. I might be able to convince him of an internship. He's got a lot of future if he does want to join this field.

Email or phone me, perhaps you have an idea of a home for him?