See Zach,

Your lack of knowledge is disturbing, Stick with the MCa's

So if I send you a borrower at 50% LTV on his primary residence in California, composed of a 1st and 2nd TD, you will place a 3rd on the owner-occupied property up to 75% LTV and pay 8% commission to the broker, funding within 2 weeks? 3rd TD on primary paying 8%? No you won'

Well, Your Not lending 3 Position, And you wouldn't know this because your not involved in the lending process /title work/ Legal etc. or understanding what mortgage lenders allow subordinate loans -

Your offering a 3rd position on an MCA and attaching a LIEN Against the property

Or if I send you undeveloped land in Minnesota for a borrower with a 450 FICO score, you will lend up to 50% LTV against it and pay the broker 6%? No you won't.

I Have 16 deals on the books of Un developed land, so before you speak you need to know the facts.

Dont be ashamed because you dont understand the real estate industry or asset based lending, your only defense is to call us brokers - Ill accept that if it keeps people like yourself from calling us, see you sit behind a comfy desk and collect a check that was provided to you by WBL, and dont have a worry in the world and go home at night and drink beers with your buddies and talk about how many deals you stacked today and try to convince people that you did these huge real estate deals, I've had those employees.

We on the other hand have real business to attend to and bickering with you about an industry you pretend to be familiar with is a waste of time, especially when you put up scenarios like the one above and try to sound like an authority, and then finish it off by saying ' Your a broker stop pretending"

you need to check your references before you speak out of turn and look like a complete fool, and since your such an authority, why dont you use your resources and find out how many deals ive bought from WBL, on the other hand research some mortgage docs and find out who we are since you seem to know everything.

And to clarify - we dont look for anyone on the funder to send us deals, in fact most of the people that call us i send elsewhere - we have a vetting process and that starts with our lawyer and mortgage brokers, thats where our business comes from -