Quote Originally Posted by jack View Post
I also got this e-mail. I am just going to leave thing unchanged and if something happens to my ads, adjust them afterwards. No use getting worked up about it before hand. My guess is this is for consumer loans like paydays, etc.
I'm still 99% sure that's exactly what this is targeted at. That industry is under major scrutiny. Not the MCA/Biz loan space. MCA's and biz loans are under virtually zero scrutiny. And they won't be any time soon.

The question we should ask ourselves is why is Google doing this? Because they are suddenly feeling like being an advocate for consumer protection and disclosure? Ha, not a chance. IMO- they are being pressured by regulators. That's the only reason I can see. Google is 100% in it to make money. They would never squeeze advertisers unless they are being forced too.

Google doesn't know the nuances here. They are simply targeting all advertisers that are in the loan space across the board. Clarification will follow shortly. And I'm still pretty much certain it's not going to affect biz loan providers.