We are doing an interest only ABL for a roofing contractor in Texas but it is going to take about a week or more. They came to us with 4 MCA'a already so obviously there is a cash flow issue here. He self performs all the work so there are HUGE margins. The problem arises because he overbooked projects and is getting paid slowly. He won the bid to remodel and/or do new roofs on every McDonalds in TX/CO for the 3rd largest McDonalds franchise in the US, so he will get paid. Everything on the LOC won't be wrapped up until next week or longer. The LOC will go to paying off the first few MCA's (or all). They did 3M in deposits in April but have tons of NSF's. I know there is some taboo around a fifth position but he risks not paying his employees until we wrap up the ABL line. So cash is an immediate need for him. Who can do it?

Note: can't collateralize real estate in Texas.