Quote Originally Posted by fundingsmbs View Post
not a fan of companies saying they don't do direct marketing only to find they have created another entity or purchased an ISO to use as a direct sales marketing arm. we know what happens with that setup and it isn't good typically. deals get funneled that are broker deals, renewals unloads deals to them so they look like the record of deal, etc. Not saying you all do that but overall, this practice isn't a good one. I would be willing to bet a significant amount of commissions industry wide have been lost with this setup of entities funders create to market to other funders.
Curious to know which Funders you use?
I've been with Pearl before and after the sale so I've definitely seen where Pearl has been and how far it's come. I've never had an ISO complain/accuse me about their deals (or renewals) "get funneled"