Quote Originally Posted by CthulhuNJ View Post
A, the client called this person, and told him, they *(I presume a syndicated company or just the person's buddy at another lender) had his whole file of docs, an offer and a contract.
B, He received a denial.
C, he then made a fake file, and sure enough they called the number on the app in the file, under a different funder name, and had the whole file of docs...with an offer and contract ready to go.
Can't say who it was, because I don't know the person's name who is back dooring.....And I'm not saying who it was that got screwed because I don't want to ��....send as you wish......
And yes I know it's not Knight as a whole, but IT IS somebody there...

'Stfu' that's funny......because I don't want to give specific details on names....and didn't want to say he made a fake file to make sure,...that it happened again with...... No, sorry pal, not gonna 'stfu'
You're welcome ��

Funny u try to help n get a bunch of ppl mad at you.
Good luck!
Funny that you have had that experience. We had the SAME experience happen step for step. Only difference was the next ISO shop which called our merchant said that they were working side-by-side with myself on the deal (I submitted the deal)