Okay, so obviously based on reading through so many threads. You don't want to buy any leads through anyone from Df. Most of these leads have been sold over and over again which in my opinion seems to be the case in no matter what industry you're in. A couple of years ago just calling through uccs. The numbers or a lot more difficult compared to what they are today. The couple of years ago you can get 10 people on the phone five of them submitted and at least three of them were closed. Now it seems like those numbers have been pushed forward and you're lucky and at this point it, does become a numbers game of catching the person at the right time. However I personally believe that I am missing something here because being a stockbroker for so many years and building so many relationships and going through so many lead brokers eventually you get to your main guy and I also know that as a salesman you never complain about the leads. That is just shows however I personally believe that I am missing something and I also know that as a salesman you never complain about the leads. That is just a given. But there is an angle and every industry and I know once I figure out this angle. Leads will no longer be an issue. I work with a few brokers that have purchased some leads for several different Outlets and The outcome just seemed to be horrendous. I know for a fact that once I figure all this out I will find the angle I'm looking for and I will find The proper company or guidance to work through. Like I said in the stockbroker industry it took many years to build these relationships and it took many years to perfect the perfect Lead database. I think whether you're calling ucc or you're going about it a whole different way. That's absolutely fantastic if you have been able to catch your niche in this market then God bless you. But the one thing I can admit that I am now in love with the MCA industry and I will find the proper lead source. I have alwatcjed these brokers purchase leads only to find out that it has not worked out for them so I have been very hesitant on purchasing anything. So I know there's something missing and I know there's an angle there and once I find it. The sky really is the limit. The best leads ever I called where the leads from a broker on the floor that had a contact with the girl at FedEx and she was sending this broker all of the names because his Contact was literally looking at all of the main brokerage firms and every time they sent a package out she would send him the name of the broker and believe it or not those leads closed three out of every five.I am definitely not looking to take that direction because this kid was eventually arrested and the fact that he had a contact through FedEx and a girl that was funneling names to it him.that came out and they did arrest this gentleman and thankfully I was not the owner of the company that purchased those leads however you have to realize that these particular leads how often do you find Contacts like that and that is certainly not the direction I'm looking to choke. I know eventually I will find the envelope looking for and like I said I don't ***** about but I know there was something that I missing it when I find it like I said I will take complete advantage of the success built upon them. I guess the point I'm trying to make is that in this forum there are plenty of people trying to sell leads and 99% of those leads are obviously crap and I understand and respect the fact that business is business and we're going to see things like that. But I refuse to believe that these are the only contacts I know there are other angles out there and they will be found overtime. Again I will admit that you know ***** about the leads but I definitely feel like there is an angle that I am not picking up on and I'll say it again I will be taking full advantage of it . I respect the fact that some of you guys in here will post threads and say who the good guys are and who the bad guys are as well but I'm still under the impression I will be until I find that right contact and then I will add my money as of right now I will stick to the dialer and pound ucc and I am very successful at that. Having been in finance for over 20 years I know damn well there's another some of you are leading onto LOL and that's OK because I will find it