Retail Capital is looking for ISO's and Agents interested in building a long term and mutually beneficial partnership. We are a direct funder and pride ourselves in fast, efficient advances and developing trusting relationships with our partners. We understand how important your merchant is to you and we strive to provide unparalleled customer service to both you and your merchant relationships. Retail Capital is dedicated to your success and have made our team readily available.

Our cash advance program is seamless with your merchant services product line, if you have a relationship with a processor that we do not, we will do everything in our power to establish that relationship.

Our commissions are paid on the Purchase Amount, with the same commission paid on New and Renewal Funding.

Our payback methods consist of ACH, Lockbox and Split Processing. We offer Standard MCA pricing as well as Premium MCA pricing.

If you are interested in a partnership relationship please contact me at

Thank you,