In my opinion this does seem to be happening a lot lately and I believe it also has a lot to do with this business becoming overtly saturated with brokers offering open ended promises that they cannot keep. Eventually these merchants get to the point where they feel like they're now capable of dictating their own terms. Not this particular situation being the case but we wanna do the best we can for our merchants/prospected merchant and because of that we'll go to sell the offer and the merchant will begin to try and change up the program and there's nothing wrong with trying to get the guy what he wants or at least as close to it if possible. But sometimes, at least in my experience. By doing this it just opens the door to more issues. Sometimes you just have to stick to the deal and sell it as is because the more you offer and the more you try and look like the good guy by coming back and saying "ok I've got the daily down to this or the payback down to this. The more we give, the more these types of merchants will try and take. And I believe that because of the over saturation in the business has definitely caused these guys to feel more like it's a game now and if they keep pushing for what they want. They'll get it. When you have this type of guy on the phone. You stick to your guns and don't be afraid to tell the guy no. This is the deal so take it or leave it. Because again in my opinion and experience with these kinda guys who are always off the dialer it seems lol You just have to be firm and you might even have to tell him, because he'll probably say "well so and so offered me this" that's when you can't be afraid to say "oh yeah? Well then maybe you should take that deal then" more times then not this merchant is going to shut the hell up and the next thing you hear is " okay but how much will I net?" And at this point. You've got him and you close him right then and there and you stay with him all the way through it. From getting him on that computer with the contract in front of him and you walk him through each and every signature. These types of merchants need to be sold and sold hard. Plain and simple. And this goes for all those merchants that feel they can dictate their terms. Once you start giving in and offering more options. You can open the door for more headaches. Sell the deal.....