Ya know? I'd like to think that we're all on the same team here when it comes to getting deals funded. I get that a deal on a Friday is a risky move but when all stips are in and the agreement is signed and all he needs is the funding call and the wire. If it's a Friday, the least you could do is get the funding call done. I don't care if the funds haven't gone out till Monday but when Monday comes and the merchant begins to reconsider and buyers remorse sets in. I can easily reclose him and assure him the funds are being transferred now so relax. Not okay the funding call is coming still. No!! It's 2:00pm, the sun is not setting, why are you running home already. As the lender. Maybe you should consider where merchants are in the process before running off and if a quick funding call is needed then do it. Do we really need to break it down that you're a $30,000 a year salaried employee and our livelihood is based on your decisions.