While I'm sure there are funders that will jump all over this, I think your client has a couple of issues.

First, if I were the business owner, I would look to see if my SBA contract prohibits stacking.

But even if they allow it...supermarkets have slim margins. I don't see how they can afford $500k of short term funding on $130k/month of deposits.

Yes, there are brokers/funders that will salivate over the idea of funding them...shoving them down the road to insolvency.

Sorry for the glass half empty answer...but as a direct funder that is my view!

If they own the building/real estate their supermarket is in and they want to pay off the SBA and take cash out...then I may be able to help you with rates in the 8% range. They need a long term like that in order to be able to truly afford the money.

Hope this helps.


Dan Page
Direct: (303) 938-8280