Hi Dan, I have been following a lot of posts regarding consolidations and obviously this is something we need to look into very strongly. We worked with another company in the past that wound up basically stealing deals, backdooring deals and eventually losing our business completely so we have been very skeptical when it comes to the whole " consolidation world" I have a Gmail account so I understand I don't expect you to communicate with me here as I am mainly here to educate myself and further my knowledge in this industry I'm not here to sell deals or offer deals or promote myself or anything like that I enjoy this form or a group for the soul purpose you being an example of reading a lot of threads and people recommending you as of course we have plenty of situations where consolidation would come in extremely handy because a lot of deals and got lost without actually having the ability to consolidate. And who the hell wants to lose business? So on Monday when I get into the office I would like to make a recommendation to have our "boss man" possibly make contact with you and see if it's possible that we could work together and get a lot of these last details wrapped up and funded. Hoping that you see this comment so I can make sure that upon introduction that you remember, this is where I introduced myself personally. So to speak. Again my apologies for the whole Gmail thing and lack of information as there is a reason behind it. I have all of your information so like I said on Monday I will bring it up. And honestly I hope we can do some business because like I said there's no reason for so many deals to just fade away for something that I'm starting to realize as I pay attention to this forum that you seem to be the one that more people are confident with. Enjoy your Sunday and hope to talk soon. J.