Unfortunately, sometimes there is some resistance to the MCA product (costly, TIB, credit, NSF's, etc...). But, I want to let brokers and other funders who are not aware, know that there are other options available to your clients and potential clients. For example:

1. We recently funded, and offered a 600k line to a roofing contractor with multiple NSF's, 2 MCA's (190k balance), and a state tax lien. We were able to acquire 200k of working capital from real estate to payoff the MCA's. To keep his cash reserves up- he pays interest only on the 200k (a tenth of the price he was paying with the daily ACH's) while we factor the A/R for 3% per invoice.

2. We recently funded 250k to a food distributor who needed capital to purchase ingredients to deliver upon their P.O.'s. They were shying away from an MCA due to the cost and did not want to give away anymore equity. We found enough liquidity in their A/R to fund their P.O.'s at 2% per month.

3. We funded a small government contractor that had $1,100 in daily payments to a well established MCA firm. He was on the verge of closing his doors. We reached a subordination agreement with the MCA firm and they reduced his dailies to $250.

If you have any questions please reach out. We specialize in tough to place deals, most major industries, and we are one of the only firms in the nation that can factor construction, let alone within 48 hours.

We can fund
  • Bad Credit
  • NSF's
  • Tax Liens (must have payoff plan)
  • BK's
  • Multiple MCA's
