Any good business man knows that building multiple revenue streams is extremely important to staying in business long term.

We work with First Data of Omaha to offer the Clover merchant processing systems to merchants across the US. We set ISOs and Brokers up with a 60-40 Split. Residuals are paid out on the 21st or 28th of each month depending on whether the file is high risk or low risk. The product is easy to sell, we take a look at one month of CC statements and determine what we can save the client on his/her processing fees. Not only that but we also provide funding at lower rates than a typical cash advance. Also, If your merchant can't process EMV-chips then they are out of PCI compliance. This means they may be liable for fraudulent activity.

This is absolutely necessary for big broker shops because getting the merchant to switch over is an easy sale and you can make tens of thousands of dollars every month with a big portfolio. This, in addition to funding normal cash advance deals and renewals, is a great way to increase your monthly profits.

Feel free to call me if you have any questions.