Can Anyone compete with Amex pricing ? - Page 3
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  1. #51
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
    Flawed logic. Because even if it was true in the end we are not saints nor is any other business model out there.

    If you worked for Kmart and you knew walmart was giving a savings or coupon you can not stand there and direct traffic from your employer to the competition.Home deopt workers do nto say " hey by he way, do not by that product here, a guy down the road has a product thats similiar."If you are an inhouse salesperson for a Direct lender. You cant tell people on the the way, I think you should go to Kabbage or Amex

    Some of us actually like our Merchants and became semi friends with them but we are not to be held to a higher moral standard than anyone else in the country in any industry because we are independent. In my mind I am acting in a Fiduciary capacity for the benefit of my client but none such truly exists.

    I Believe for 100% fact that once I get a client in house I am doing them a favor by directing or coaching their future financial decisions, in regards to advances with my inside financial knowledge and compassion for people. I am a tough Coach and I do not let my clients stack themselves and put themselves out of business. And if they had to pay more to "hire" me ( its commission only). Tough . I am worth it. I am saving them from potentially going to you or doing what 95% of other merchants do, borrow their way out of business.

    If some of you do not see the value in people doing business with you than so be it.Thats why you drop your rates so low.Thats one of my edges, me

    I am exiting on that note. Topic beaten to death.
    For all your sales talk, didn't you flunk-out selling reverse mortgages and stocks? Are sales skills not transferable?

  2. #52
    Its in their best interest to be with me. Not you. I know more about how to fix someones current financial condition and coach them into growth and profitability with cash flow thru responsible borrowing and financial decisions.

    Stew in your juices.

    (I left stocks right before the crash, saw it comin then technically I sold Reverse mortgages INTO the crash so I locked my clients homes values in at 500k etc , now they are worth 100k.( for example purposes ) Those clients love me. Thanks for mentioning it. Smart move on my part. I knew the market was crashing, I just didnt realize how bad. The Big short.Hard to sell though, fools thought the market would go up up up. I will look at your resume shortly we can compare notes .Another prediction. Now that certain companies crashed like I said they would. Some of us are going ot make a lot of money)

    So to cut thru all the bs, >>> clients are selling themselves into a product , you are discovering a need thru advance salesmanship, then you are selling yourself ( and you cant sell yourself if you do not believe in yourself), with personality then advance underwriting skills, or product knowledge ( and you cant sell the product unless you believe in it) ..and I am not cheap. Did that transfer well?
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-01-2017 at 11:16 AM.

  3. #53
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    My suggestion to you is to balance "sales" with "marketing". Good marketing puts you in a position where there is little to no resistance to close. I mean, but that's the path of least resistance, so I expect you to disregard.

  4. #54
    Senior Member Reputation points: 99426
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    Don't bother with WestCoast Karen. He can pitch his competitor's programs instead of his own because his Magic SEO keeps his phones ringing off the hook with new clients. He doesn't actually have to sell. Lucky bastard.
    Last edited by MCNetwork; 04-01-2017 at 11:10 AM.
    Archie Bengzon
    Jumpstart Capital

  5. #55
    I finally agree partially with west.

    And you are right Archie.

  6. #56
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by MCNetwork View Post
    Don't bother with WestCoast Karen. He can pitch his competitor's programs instead of his own because his Magic SEO keeps his phones ringing off the hook with new clients. He doesn't actually have to sell. Lucky bastard.
    This isn't about pitching a competitors program. It's about not lying to make a sale.

    You claimed that you have scenarios where MCAs were better than AmEx, yet have failed to make a fact-based argument as to how.

    So much for "overcoming objections". Shame this hasn't been covered in any sales books.
    Last edited by WestCoastFunding; 04-01-2017 at 11:19 AM.

  7. #57
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    I've never lied to make a sale. I just focus on how my solution will solve the merchant's problem. That's my job.
    Archie Bengzon
    Jumpstart Capital

  8. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
    Cool. You claimed to have merchants out of doing what's in their best interest to, instead, do what was in your best interest. Congratulations, I suppose. Good job.
    I know I said I was done, but I had to chime in because you are completely correct West lol.

    Archie and Karen just don't get it, and what's more "sad" about this is that they associate these fabrications, lies, and unethical approaches to the entire sales profession. So in their "mind", if a guy isn't on the telephone incorporating these "methods" into their strategy, then they aren't "real salespeople".

    It's just disgusting, and people wonder why the image of salespeople nationally is shot to hell? Let's just recap a moment:

    - Archie and Karen endorse "credit repair services", which everybody in their damn mother knows that these services are scams, most Merchant Processing Companies won't even approve a damn merchant account for a "credit repair company". Individuals can dispute items and "fix" their own damn personal credit rating, they don't need a "credit repair firm". But according to Archie and Karen, it's "right" just as long as they can successfully "convince" some gullible/uneducated/confused merchant to sign on for it.

    - Then, Archie says he "refers" his clients to take an MCA over the AMX program, when in no shape, form, or fashion, does the MCA product even compete with the AMX one on either price, quality, cash infusions, better support, better reporting, or anything. But according to Archie and Karen, it's "right" just as long as they can successfully "convince" some gullible/uneducated/confused merchant to sign on for it.

    - Archie and Karen would also probably justify stacking a merchant with 7 - 9 positions if the merchant accepted their "pitch". Because according to Archie and Karen, it's "right" just as long as they can successfully "convince" some gullible/uneducated/confused merchant to sign on for it.

    This crap is the damn problem with our industry! Merchants are putting their trust in us to do "what's right for them", not what's right for our damn pocketbook.

    If I'm not considered a "real sales guy" because I don't endorse nor incorporate this crap into my strategy, then so be it!

  9. #59
    Senior Member Reputation points: 33996
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    When I run up against a product that I cannot directly compete with I introduce a product that is just different enough to not be comparable. Against an Amex andvance I'd pitch a larger term loan from Fundation. "For the same payment I can get you twice as much capital with a longer term that will help build your business credit..."

    Additional point to consider is I believe that Amex will not accept payoff from a third party. So point out that an Amex advance cannot be consolidated by a third party should they decide to get more money and/or want to lower the payments 6 months in. So it's best used as a last resort for quick emergency rather than a "starting point". So perhaps the best solution is a term loan now for quick cash followed by a refinance to an SBA loan for long term stability; a plan that cannot be done if you start with an Amex advance.

  10. #60
    Senior Member Reputation points: 99426
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    John I have an 80% renewal rate with my merchants. Obviously I'm doing something right by them. I hardly think I'm a scourge of the industry!

  11. #61
    Archie and Karen endorse "credit repair services", which everybody in their damn mother knows that these services are scams, most Merchant Processing Companies won't even approve a damn merchant account for a "credit repair company


    Please do not resort to lying to try to win an argument. Anyone can look at past posts to see that I said 95% of credit repair companies are scams, but 5 % are not.You can also see that I said I do 1st and 2nd positions...I do not do 3rds ..only in an extreme emergency

    Archie didnt say any such thing as well.

    you do realize people can see the past posts?How is lying and making things up ethical? I thought you are the champion of Ethics and Morality.

    Guess not.But i Knew this from your stance on certain things and the arguments you made in the past. Hence the reason I questioned you and challenged you to begin with. You do not give a hoot about ethics, its just about the math.

    I am going to let both of you save the your dignity, because you are clinging onto a false hood.And you swing low and lie when proven wrong. I do not really have anything against you. I just do not like that you give out false info like you just did.

    you are the best . Yeahh.Gl

    And Christian found out one of the reasons why because he cared about the future of his clients and overall costs, not just rate.Some of us know this and other things. Buts its part of our secret sauce and do not have to blast it.We only tell each other by phone.
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-01-2017 at 11:48 AM.

  12. #62
    Quote Originally Posted by MCNetwork View Post
    John I have an 80% renewal rate with my merchants. Obviously I'm doing something right by them. I hardly think I'm a scourge of the industry!
    I don't know what renewal rate you have, you can tell me anything.

    All I know is what you have recommended on this forum. The client in your example should be recommended the following (if you are going to do right by the client):

    - Offer the MCA product on the side and display how a 12 month "add-on" process would work. This would be presented as an "complement" on the side.

    - In addition, introduce them to Accounts Receivable Factoring if they aren't already using that. That again would be an "complement" on the side.

    - If you want to directly compete with AMX, seeing as though they are approved for the AMX product, then they might be A+ Paper. As a result, a Marketplace Lender might also approve them, so ask the merchant if you could submit them there and get them similar premium rates with longer terms.

    That's doing right by the client.

  13. #63
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post

    Please do not resort to lying to try to win an argument. Anyone can look at past posts to see that I said 95% of credit repair companies are scams, but 5 % are not.
    What 5% are not? What does that even mean? And I said you guys "might" endorse the stacking because you seem to take the approach that if a guy can "convince a merchant to sign for it", then it must be right.

  14. #64
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christian View Post
    When I run up against a product that I cannot directly compete with I introduce a product that is just different enough to not be comparable. Against an Amex andvance I'd pitch a larger term loan from Fundation. "For the same payment I can get you twice as much capital with a longer term that will help build your business credit..."

    Additional point to consider is I believe that Amex will not accept payoff from a third party. So point out that an Amex advance cannot be consolidated by a third party should they decide to get more money and/or want to lower the payments 6 months in. So it's best used as a last resort for quick emergency rather than a "starting point". So perhaps the best solution is a term loan now for quick cash followed by a refinance to an SBA loan for long term stability; a plan that cannot be done if you start with an Amex advance.
    Good stuff right here.

  15. #65
    Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
    What 5% are not? What does that even mean? And I said you guys "might" endorse the stacking because you seem to take the approach that if a guy can "convince a merchant to sign for it", then it must be right.

    And again this is a lie. I have never said any such thing, nor believe it, again its posted in the past.It is actually the exact opposite of what I believe.

    The problem is you cant get past the part where someone can be ethical and get top commission with out being unethical, cause its all about rate.You never take any other factors into the equation

    And Archie is not a throw it against the wall make it stick kinda guy, he looks out for his clients and tries to figure out the best way.
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-01-2017 at 11:56 AM.

  16. #66
    Senior Member Reputation points: 99426
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    Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
    The client in your example should be recommended the following (if you are going to do right by the client):

    - Offer the MCA product on the side and display how a 12 month "add-on" process would work. This would be presented as an "complement" on the side.

    - In addition, introduce them to Accounts Receivable Factoring if they aren't already using that. That again would be an "complement" on the side.

    - If you want to directly compete with AMX, seeing as though they are approved for the AMX product, then they might be A+ Paper. As a result, a Marketplace Lender might also approve them, so ask the merchant if you could submit them there and get them similar premium rates with longer terms.

    That's doing right by the client.
    Those are all equally valid solutions. I just showed you how I have pitched MCAs versus AMX loans in the past. My solution worked for the client on several occasions. Therefore, I did right by my client.

    John, I learned how to sell MCAs by working at the big reputable firms like BizFi (formerly MCC/Next Level Funding), Strategic Funding Source and Rapid Capital Funding. None of those are boiler room operations. If you take offense with my style, then I'm in good company. All the inside salespeople at those firms have similar sales approaches.
    Last edited by MCNetwork; 04-01-2017 at 12:10 PM.
    Archie Bengzon
    Jumpstart Capital

  17. #67

    Its not in our best interest to post the tricks of the trade and lose our edge and create more competition to people who claim to be experts and dislike us.( or me) Some of us share ideas to each other but what do we get by sharing with certain people?I believe they are goading/ prodding you/me for the answer by being combative.( Which is why I never really give away the exact answer, and talk in cryptic text ,which makes them go into meltdown.They should have realized it was masterful and purposeful because I saw the con coming.I give the teaser, but never the full explanation. Marketing 101. Request more info formally.)

    Like clients asking you about direct lenders because they are going to make an attempt to circumvent you, brokers o to backdoor, or like someone sitting down with an hourly lawyer and asking so many questions in the consultation, you do not need to pay the fee...then skip down the road ask the next lawyers more questions , then the next, go pro se

    Oh yeah you are a liar, if you are not prove how you do it.

    I do not appreciate people backhanding me for advice and I see the slap coming a mile away.Jr league tactics.

    Ps . We are not going to give away the full manual on the Amex solutions. Stop asking.

    Once we get rich, we can write a book lol
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-01-2017 at 12:37 PM.

  18. #68
    Senior Member Reputation points: 33996
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    Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
    Good stuff right here.
    The setup is what ends up closing the deal. Taking on short term debt never fixes a long term problem.

  19. #69
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
    Superior Sales Skills and Leadership do not waste time at the kiddy table, they lead from the front by example and they hang out with successful people. You are who you hang out with.Water seeks its own level.

    ""Poseur" (or "poser") refers to someone who "poses for effect, or behaves affectedly",[1] who "affects a particular attitude, character or manner to impress others,"[2] or who pretends to belong to a particular group.[3][4] It may refer to a "person who pretends to be what he or she is not" or an "insincere person".[5] A "poseur" may be a person whose personal style has a flair for drama, or one who behaves as if they are onstage in daily life.[6]"

  20. #70
    Get over it already.TO SAVE THE DF THE SIDE SHOW I will ignore both of you.One of the people below didnt have great intent or results , but still had great selling ability,you might not the braggart style of Nykers, especially in Financial Services.,but we all grew up in the same Neighborhood...This isnt Kansas.
    I am never going to tell you what you want to know.... And people like you make people like me not want to help anyone.....Pose your way to the White House...Strike a Pose

    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-02-2017 at 12:28 PM.

  21. #71
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    "a person whose personal style has a flair for drama, or one who behaves as if they are onstage in daily life."

  22. #72
    Senior Member Reputation points: 227882
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    Origination of 1.06-1.012, APR of 11%-27%.

    Is this accurate?

  23. #73
    Senior Member Reputation points: 99426
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    Yes that info is on AMEX's website
    Archie Bengzon
    Jumpstart Capital

  24. #74
    Banned Reputation points: 17587
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    720 i've heard that amex is offering deals, anyone know how they stack up against standard mca options?

  25. #75

    Thats a great question ( positive tonality)...I'm glad you asked !
    Last edited by Karen37a; 04-10-2017 at 03:28 PM.

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