Quote Originally Posted by mfs01 View Post
ryan shiroky, the view only access only needs to be active for the couple of days before funding and and a couple days after. How else are the lenders to know if the merchant is not getting double or triple funded in some cases?

Double, triple and quadruple funding has been a huge issue in the industry as of lately.

Merchants are smartening up and starting to find ways around limiting themselves to getting funded what they can afford.

As a sales person, i would want to make sure i kept my relationship with the funding companies are in good standings. And if the merchant gets funded by several companies at the same time, whether it's you're doing or not, it will still reflect on your performance with the funding company. That funding company may not accept anymore of your deals as a result. Just because of one lousy deal...

To me, it wouldn't be worth it.
well said!!!