First things first, it is very important for us to protect our customers. That is why with every lead we send to you, it will be 100% protected when it comes to any TCPA or FTC liability/compliance issue. The live transfers are very straight forward we will only use compliant data that is voice verified. Primarily these customers are driven to us via our own landing pages. We will take 100% TCPA Responsibility on every lead we send to you.

In addition, each customer will need to verify that they meet the following four qualifications questions listed below, before we transfer the call to you.

Qualification Questions:

1) Have you or your business filed for bankruptcy in the last 12 months? (Must say, NO, if they say YES tell them they don’t qualify at this time and hang up the phone)

2) Currently, does your company have any existing unpaid CASH ADVANCES at this time? (If they say YES) ask how many_______? (If more than two tell them they don’t qualify at this time, hang up)

3) Has your company been in business longer than 1 year? (Must say YES)

4) What is your businesses current gross monthly revenue $__________? (Must be greater than $15K) (If less than 15K get email address and tell them someone will be in contact with them shortly.)

We will also give you a 60 second buffer on these calls.

Our live transfer pricing starts at $70 a lead with a 100 lead order. I will drive you 25 calls a day with our settings for concurrent calls set at 3 call. I can have the order filled for you in 3 to 5 days. We can also post the data to you real time, if you so choose. If that doesn’t work for you we can email you the data on a daily basis. If you want the data real time then I need to have a better understanding of your CRM system and your API. I will have our Tech handle that integration process for you, if you choose to go with the real time data feed. I will also need someone from your side regardless of integration to handle DNQs and credits every 48 hours.

You will always have direct real time access to all of your calls and will be able to run credits real time online as well. Please email me with any questions