Quote Originally Posted by LoanShark714 View Post
Can somebody help me understand exactly what stacking is and how to use it and who allows it? I only heard of small loans that would be as a 2nd position to their 1st loan normally done by another company . Is this stacking? Also. Are there any lenders that payout a bonus or something for double dipped accounts when the client does not get a discount when getting a renewal. When the client is more than half way done paying his loan and wants to get another advance and wants to pay off his current balance with the new loan hes going to get ? I know that some lenders are offering discounts to there clients and not charging them factoring on the money that there paying off there old loan with. If the client is not getting the discount. I know theres some money to be made some where. Let me know. Thanks.
As far as stacking goes, you are right in thinking that it is when a company does a second position deal on top of another deal without paying off the balance of the initial one. It also applies to third position, fourth position, etc.

As for the second part of your question, I'm not quite sure I understand what you are asking as far as a discount goes. Usually if a funder is paying off one advance and giving additional money on top of it, the agreements would not necessarily distinguish separate factor rates for separate parts of the funded amount. What I mean is, it will usually just list the total amount being funded and then the factor rate for that money as a whole. This is in my experience anyway, if anyone else has seen different I'd be interested to know!