Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
Funders are starting to track submission data more and more. They are looking into how many submissions vs how many funded vs default rate.

If you are sending a fund 100 deals a month & funding one, you are usignup and wasting their resources. They would rather you submit 10 deals a month you pre-qualified, and only fund one.

Most of their UW'ers are on salary, so it is an expense. You are taking up their time on deals that have a 1% chance of funding? What do they need YOU for?
As a direct funder I agree with Chambo's comment. It means A LOT when brokers learn what your funding parameters are and do their best to pre-qualify. I have to pay my staff thousands weekly to look at a lot of crap files where the broker is not paying the slightest attention as to whether the file is a fit. These brokers get very little of my attention since they are wasting my time and money.

On the flip side, I have other brokers who pay attention, look hard at what they are sending, and do their best to send quality stuff. Even if they get a decline, they still get my attention since they are sincerely trying to send quality files.