Hi DF,

As most of you know Seacoast Business Funding is a division of Seacoast National Bank. We provide flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring/invoice purchasing programs and asset based lines of credit. We always like to lead with accounts receivables and will include inventory and M&E as accommodations to an AR facility. We can provided facilities as small as $250K and go well over $10Mil.

We are very unique in the market as we are bank owned which affords us the luxury of low cost of funds. Just because we are bank owned does not mean we cannot fund the unbankable. We can and will work with companies in transition or facing challenges. We always do a lot of work up front so we can structure a solution to our clients and add value.

Ideal Client:
-Selling products and/or services to commercial customers on terms
-Revenues from $1.5Mil/Year to well over $100Mil/Year
-Located anywhere in the US selling to US customers. Some foreign debtors is OK.

Industries were we have recently closed facilities:
-Cell Tower Services-I recently spoke at a trade show regarding working capital challenges in this industry
-Specialty Distribution
-Niche Manufacturing
-Food & Beverage-Especially produce.




PS: I do NOT open or respond to free e-mail accounts.