Cardinal Equity Group, a direct lender in this space, is aggressively pursuing your HIGH RISK MCA files.

We understand bridges are burnt every day and your clients suffer. At Cardinal Equity Group we are built on speed and transparency and we would encourage you to give us a shot.

Cardinal Equity welcomes all kinds of submissions and we aim to monetize roughly 30-40% of your declined, D-paper deals. Our only deal breakers include :

Ch. 13's- Current or dismissed
Merchants making less than $7,500 in real monthly revenue
Files with more than 10 negative days in one month

If you have any questions regarding the information above, or the terms of Cardinal Equity's ISO agreement, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Best Regards,

Adam J. Belits

Cardinal Equity, LLC

212-804-5757 - Office
212-943-2300 - Fax