Google wants to kill the unencrypted internet, and will soon flag two thirds of the web as "unsafe."
Google wants everything on the web to be travelling over a secure channel. That's why in the future your
Chrome browser will flag unencrypted websites as insecure, displaying a red "x" over a padlock in the URL bar.

Google already signaled its preference for HTTPS websites when it called for HTTPS to be "everywhere" on the web during its 2014 I/O conference, and when it announced that it would rank encrypted sites higher in search results. But the internet giant is far from the only big player on the web pushing for more HTTPS. Mozilla and Apple have both indicated that they want more web encryption. And even the US government has taken important steps in that direction, requiring all .gov websites to be HTTPS by default before the end of this year.

Guarantee full data security for all your data transfers with this FH SSL Certificate. It comprises a 256-bit encryption algorithm to protect your web site. This is recommended as a minimum security add-on to show your customers you care about their site protection.

Your SSL Certificate will work with the append of www. & without.