Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
I am not a spokesperson for the CFC..However brokers should start advocating their funding houses to become members.

Here is why: (nothing is similar to our industry with the following story other then what happens when industries don't come together!!)
My friend ran one of the largest travel agencies in America in the late 90's (at that time almost evrey ticket outside of the direct airline was sold by a travel agency) when they noticed that these online companies were popping up and doing less then 1% of the booking volume they formed a group to pressure the airlines not to work with online sellers and they proposed not selling tickets for 7 days and bring the airlines to their knees HOWEVER just a handful of companies joined the coalition and the rest is history.
the way the proposed law is worded it is not just the funder that would beed to be licensed. The broker and anyone else who's hands touch the file will need to have the license