Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
Lol, boy this thread is a mess. OF_Funder must have been having a bad week or something and just wanted to rant. Maybe that's why he kept posting then immediately deleting his posts?

But getting back to the topic of sales, Karen let's discuss your proposal again:

Karen, UCCs are nowhere near as productive as they used to be, and with your estimated production results, you don't seem to be painting the complete picture. Let's break this down:

- You call 200 UCC data records
- You generate 20 "interested" merchants
- You generate 1 "close"

By "close" I assume you mean you collected an application? Or by "close", do you mean that's a funded deal?

Here have been my results on UCCs since about 2015 when EVERYBODY started calling them:

- I do a call rundown on 100 UCC data records

- I will generate about 12 interested merchants because many merchants flat out slam the phone down on your face today because you are the 7th guy that called that day about a damn "cash advance", and he's getting tired of it.

- Of those 12 interested merchants, after pre-qualifying them (what you guys refer to as ISO Underwriting) only about 5 of them pass that pre-qualification. The rest are stacked to high heaven hell, NSFS/Overdrafts through the roof, bad credit, etc., etc.

- Of the 5 that pass, I collect complete applications from 4 of them

- Of the 4 submitted to Underwriting, 2 are approved

- Of the 2 that are approved, 1 funds

1 fund out of 100 calls to UCC records is not a sustainable strategy for any Broker Office today.

Brokers have to utilize other marketing strategies today as UCCs are DEAD. Plus understand something, many companies are not even filing UCCs on the good/quality merchants anymore, many companies are only filing them on the "bad" or "higher risk" merchants, which further delimits the quality of UCC marketing.
Huh .It is easy to call a hundred a day . So on your math,you fund 22 deals a month .average deal size let's say 40k . Average commission let's say 10 % . You are making 88k a month.more then most make in a year