Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post


Commissions not being paid have nothing to do with the "so called" uneducated new brokers entering the industry.
Well, a broker being "uneducated" is a problem all into itself, I was referring more to the fact that we don't do any background checks on who is recruited in. A guy could have been a complete crook in a prior life and nobody would know, because most funders/lenders hire anybody with a pulse without doing any background checks.

And a lot of these new guys (who are really brokers, submitting through some established funder/lender that didn't do a background check) are marketing to other guys to send them deals. Said guys will send the broker a deal, the broker funds it, and never pays a dime in commission to the man that sent the deal to him.

If the industry continues with a Wild Wild West approach, you will continue to get Wild Wild West results from time-to-time.

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
New Brokers are not the demise of the industry.
I never said they were.

Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
What I think you are trying to say is the non payment of commissions by lenders has to be addressed and the supervision of brokers and compliance by lenders or individual Isos who still submit to Lenders and adhere to their underwriting requirements.
Yes, this is one of the things I'm certainly saying . But the only way to do that Karen is to promote industry regulation, with some sort of centralized authority or regulatory board. But you don't like regulation lol.