Quote Originally Posted by OF_Funder View Post
GENERAL THOUGHT: People who have quit selling in this industry are wholly inappropriate to be offering advice. Most especially if their exit stems from their inability to provide a financially high income career.
I agree, if a guy opened an office, burned through all of his capital and didn't generate a profit/steady stream of deals, then I'm not sure what "advice" he would have to offer.

Quote Originally Posted by OF_Funder View Post
FYI: Directed at nobody in particular.
Well, I'm sure it was directed at "somebody" or you would not have made the statement. Let's not be passive-aggressive here lol, if you feel like someone on this forum is positioning themselves as an "expert" when they are in actuality a complete "failure", you should directly address the content/commentary of said individual(s).

Quote Originally Posted by OF_Funder View Post
But I do think we need better screening on this forum to ensure that the so-called 'experts' actually have a stake and currently work in this industry. I am getting a strong sense recently of lonely, creepy trolls thinking this is their playzone. Destructive and embarrassing to all who respect the industry and DF. And hold it in such high regard.
This is funny, only because if the industry actually took this stance on how we recruit into the industry itself, it would help clean up a lot of the unethical actions going on from commissions not being paid, back-dooring, 8 position stacks, and so on. The Daily Funder is important, no doubt, but it would be much more efficient if this focus was put on how the industry recruits people, rather than on who can sign up for a Username on Daily Funder.