Low Hanging Fruit = Merchant willing to engage you/do anything you ask, because he's so desperate and knows he has no chance
anywhere, so any hope is better than no hope (in the context of this conversation, that was the meaning that was implied).

It's low fruit because it takes no skill on the agent's part to produce "fake activity" that generates no results and no revenue, when that agent should be learning how to close a "real" merchant, who is generally both interested and skeptical, who will choose who he decides to work with, requiring skill/training/experience/credibility (pick one) to board him and convert to a source of repeat revenue.

It seemed pretty obvious what Karen meant.

Quote Originally Posted by CreditGuy View Post
Today I Learned: Karen doesn't know what the term "low hanging fruit" means.

Agree with everyone on recidivism. Someone that has that many positions will almost certainly have that many again. The borrower knows the game and there are 7 other lenders/funders/brokers that know they are willing to play it with them. Move on.