Quote Originally Posted by WestCoastFunding View Post
I know someone will eventually bring up Dan Page's program, and I highly-recommend it. Essentially he can consolidate and get them monthly payments on 12-36 month terms.

Outside of him, its hard to get a funder to buyout more than one position recently. I've been seeing a merchant with two positions get offers by funders to buyout the 2nd and net cash while leaving the 1st position in place. But getting more than one paid off lately has been tough.
Thank you for the mention. Yes, we definitely fund consolidations. I will be funding $1.4MM this week, with another $3MM at funding stage coming right behind it.

And yes, it is challenging. Client will promise up and down that they just want to be out from under the daily payments and then they go ahead and stack on you 30 days later. We are constantly evolving our funding model to address this issue.

And to Richard's point...yes, we definitely have Net Income requirements (for every $100k of funding desired, we need to see at least $13k of monthly net income). Any funder worth their salt should have net income (and balance sheet) requirements. Not doing so is a prescription for default. Just think of it...the reason these clients got into trouble with MCAs in the first place is that neither they nor their lenders were paying attention to how much actual income is available to meet their monthly debt obligations.

I can definitely help clients (ones with strong financials) who got in over their head with MCAs and now want out. But I cannot help clients who simply took on too much debt and no amount of consolidation is going to make a difference. About the only path out of that mess is leveraging real estate with a long term payment option. I can do those as well. In fact, they are a lot cheaper (8% - 12% annual rates), but the real estate needs to be there.

But as I stated above, we have north of $4MM at funding stage now, so clearly a lot of clients do qualify for our traditional consolidation model.

It is a monthly payment, 12-30 month terms, and early payoff available any time after six months, with no fees, penalties or interest.

Feel free to reach out and discuss!


Dan Page
Direct: (303) 938-8280