This is an email i received from Everlasting Capital about consolidations.

2017 could potentially be a good year for merchants who are looking to lower their daily debits. In 2016 we saw some companies try this niche product and fail miserably...while others are still trying. Its a different beast all together but 100% needed as we are seeing merchants who have stacked up to 7 times over the last couple years.
Yes you are reading this correctly THEY HAVE STACKED 7 TIMES!

So whats the kicker?

Some merchants who stack 7 times can actually afford those payments and believe it or not the business still runs healthy. Unfortunately its the other merchants who have great cash flow but then stack who are trying to stay afloat.

We have brainstormed on this topic and a solution is needed for 2017! We have it. There are a 3 main questions that come up regarding this subject and the solution is evident:

1. Is this just throwing good money after bad?
Great Question! This simple answer to this is absolutely not! The program mitigates risk for all parties involved;
The consolidator, The Funder(s), and The Client!

The consolidator puts money out strategically.
The funder(s) have a better chance of getting their ROI back.
The client can potentially free up 30% of monthly cash flow!

2. What is going to stop them from stacking again?
This is the unique strategically planned program for the merchant. Nothing changes for the merchant besides saving up to 30% of the daily debits. A 3-5 month plan is put into place to make sure cash flow is put back into the business and funder(s) are paid back according to the merchants agreement. This is not a debt consolidation effort and the merchants are not "Stopping" payments like other programs we have seen, which in turn makes the client ineligible to receive funding in the future.

3. What qualifies a merchant who stacked for this program?
The merchant needs to fill out a debt schedule showing all advance balances and daily payments. In most cases merchants have three or more advances out at the time of the consolidation though it has worked with two. The numbers are ran to see what type of savings could be put back into the business and if the savings are 30% plus we can maker an offer.

Like it or not this is much needed for this industry. Its time to circle back and Make Lending Great Again.

For more information on this product please call 888-777-8144