Hi DF,

I know I have mentioned this before, but I am going to shake your tree again.....

We love partnering with staffing companies. We especially love IT staffing and Medical staffing (services where hospitals and large PMOs/VMOs are the debtors). We offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. We offer top advance rates, incredible flexibility on line sizes, and a dare anyone to compete with us on pricing. Oh...and they can get access to traditional bank services if needed.
Our ideal client:

-Anywhere in the US
-Revenues: $2mil to $100mil
-Facility size need: $250K to well over $15Mil. We get super aggressive on larger deals....
-We don't mind complexity or stories....

The best part.... We gladly pay referral fees. Factoring commissions are different than MCA/ACH. You get paid monthly commissions over the life of the client based on a percentage of net spread. The beauty of working with us is your client gets a great deal and because of our very low cost of funds we can price deals well below the competition and it be very meaningful for everyone involved.

Kevin Henry 561-623-1872

PS: I will not open or reply to free e-mail accounts.