Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
And this comment was overlooked .

west coast you said to me "strawman" . I am not "misrepresenting facts", you are not aware of the rules or regulations that are in place before or after Dodd Frank in regards to the trading of certain funds or investments. I can say you are using untruthful hyperbole vs truthful hyperbole.[/I]
Karen, please feel free to click on the link provided by HappyHorse****. When you do, please note that the document states this:

"The provisions of part 351 appear at 79 Fed. Reg. 5805, Jan. 31, 2014, the interim final rule is effective on April 1, 2014, except as otherwise noted."

Karen, pretty clear those provisions went into place in 2014. Dodd Frank became law in 2010. Do you honestly believe the year 2014 came before 2010?