Quote Originally Posted by Karen37a View Post
ps West coast. If you are not a fan of speculative investments, how would we ever "invest" or "lend" ( its not a loan) or buy future recivables that are non collateralized?.
HUH? I said I'm not a fan of banks using "GOVT INSURED DEPOSITS" to make speculative investments. If they use those deposits on bad bets, do we have to rescue grandmas bank account? **** that.

Even more, would you want a bank to use deposits to fund cash advances? If they **** up like CAN Capital, then what? A rescue, that's what.

If they want to gamble with non FDIC money (like a classic investment bank) then knock yourself out. But if they're going to play around with money that is backstopped by the govt, it's bull****. It's anti free market.