Quote Originally Posted by John Galt View Post
Would kind of think the term would be implode not explode. And Lehman was a mark to market implosion. Stupid rule, where are they now? Even Bernie Madoff would be whole by now. Too big to fail is true..where is AIG now? Redistribution of wealth as always, what we are about (the US)? Mark to market is good for regulators and buyers, great reason to move markets as is all the hoopla. Where after bailouts are most of those companies now, Oh gosh is the DOW lower???
"Implode" implies that the damage is contained to one entity. When a company's meltdown affects an entire industry, creates a commercial paper blowout, and causes the economy to go into a "sudden stop" it's an explosion. You don't get massive collateral damage like that from and "implosion". Save that term for the CAN Capital types.