Quote Originally Posted by bruce@bdfunding.com View Post
At BD Funding, we have done them. Happy to look at any deal. E-mail me at bruce@bdfunding.com.
Hey Bruce! Remember that one time you decided to broker to me and sent me a deal on my company application that I submitted out a few days earlier that got backdoored to you and you submitted back to me? I still will never forget the moment I opened my email and saw my own application come back. I still will never forget that you forwarded it over to me with the forwarding information of who it came from and how you didn't even check it before sending it. The **** fit I had and those who felt the wrath that day.

I think that was one of the first times that I knew one of my goals was to rip new @$$ holes to those who decided to be stupid. So funny how little has changed since then.